AUMVEDAS ACADEMY The Heart Connection

The Heart Connection
by Rev Dr Catherine W Dunne MscD 23/10/2019 Ireland

What is the connection with our heart?

How important is Mindfulness?

The Heart is more powerful than the Brain?

Image result for brain heart connection

Did you know, that once you had been conceived and the cells started to devide and multiply and divide.... the first brain developed is your Heart?
"Wait! "
"What ever you said about the heart being the first organ to be developed is one thing, but did you say BRAIN?"

In Daoism/Taoism, it is a well studied fact that we have three brains. The first one is the Heart, the second one, is the one inside your head and the third one is your Bowel. Well, when you look at your brain and bowel, they somewhat look similar, right? But the heart?

Our heart produces more electrical current and a larger magnetic field than our brain. Emotions come from the heart and fed to the brain, which in turn feeds that information to our gut. For instance: Tomorrow you are about to start a new job..... in your heart you feel anxiety, degree of fear and excitement. These emotion, just the electronic translation of those emotions. are sent to your brain, who then translates that electronic information, into something your body then feels and understands. In the worst case scenario, you end up more time on the toilet...... Those nerves went straight to your bowel......

How we percieve a situation, depends on how your heart receives that energetic information. Be it negative or positive. Either can manifest. Signals are sent around your body in an instant, hardly measurable. Either your like something or your fear it.
Your brain is only the processor, that computes, translates the signals received and passes them on in the "correct" language designed for "that other organ" (kidneys, liver, bowel, thyroid....) All organs are seen as the "receiver" and respond. Usually with the bowel, we consciously "feel" the effects; good or bad.

From a Chakra view point, the heart chakra is not the largest, but the solar plexus is. But then again, the solar plexus "houses" more organs.

Intuition comes from your heart, too. Emotions from any kind of event, are stored in the Heart. Just the brain holds the key of that pathway , by remembering the Memory.

Be kind to your heart. Be kind to another person's heart. Your heart is the seat of your Soul. Practice Mindfulness and the world could be a better place to live in.

Start your day, by listening to what your Heart wants you to know today, and act it out.
Forgive and Love Thay Self and the heart will always stay young and healthy.

I Love You as much as I Love Me
 Image result for heartCatherine


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