AUMVEDAS ACADEMY: 21 Lemurian Concepts of Energy
21 Lemurian Concepts of Energy By Catherine W Dunne on Saturday, 3 October 2015 at 18:52 21 Lemurian Concepts of Energy Lemurian energy concepts were based on the understanding that there is nothing and all things at once, that we are creatures that are the universe and the smallest form at the very same instant. Some terms, such as fields, grids,sections, signatures and discomfort do not adequately describe the workings of energy. Energy is the term used here to describe ALL that is, ONE, GOD, SOURCE. 1. Energy is all things, all thought, all existence in any form. 2. Energy is time free. 3. Energy is vibration and all forms of energy have a vibrational signature. 4. By altering the vibrational signature of energy its very nature can be shifted. 5. When vibrational signatures are altered there is a waveform shift in the grids that send the shift throughout the entire grid. 6. Energy is unlimited and immeasurable in its pure stat...